Thursday, May 9, 2013

PRP Round 2

After my follow up with the sports doc last week, he wanted me to get a 2nd PRP injection.  I decided to go ahead with it as my attempt at saving this race season.  I should probably give up on it but I have signed up for 2 half Ironmans and a full and it's too late to back out now.  So I got my 2nd injection yesterday.  And I have decided I hate PRP.  The pain is pretty intense and runs from my piriformis right down to the back of my knee.  I did just recently learned that there is a new painless PRP procedure that removes the white blood cells from the blood which is a cause of the pain.  The WBCs cause the inflammatory response hence the pain.  But the new procedure cost $400 more so I decided that for the $400 I could withstand a few days of pain.  But if you ask me now, that $400 is worth it cuz I am in a world of pain again.  I made the mistake of working last night just hours after the injection and a 12hr shift on your feet is not what my hamstring needed.  So I officially made my first sick call tonight in eight years because I could not stand another night of me hobbling around in pain and being stubborn.  Since the injection is done under ultrasound, I was able to find out if there was an improvement after the first time.  Well, the U/S still showed the tear! Boo! :(  The tech told me it is in a bad place because it is so close to the bone and there is no blood flow there.  Which is why PRP should work.  So I am back to being side-lined right now.  Not sure for how long but as soon as I can I will get back to swimming and cycling.  Cannot do that now.  Walking is painful enough.  Keeping my fingers crossed that this shot will work!


The Old Plough Horse said...

Oh Wendy ... so sorry to hear that you have to go through that pain again. I'm certain the PRP will (eventually) work for you ... gawd, I hope so. All you can do now, I know, is stick with it and wait it out. Good luck!


Wendy said...

thanks duncan! :)