Friday, November 16, 2012

On the "DL" list! :(

As in the MLB, I am officially on the "Disabled List"...which in my world means no running, and possibly no yoga! :(

I started the year with plantar fasciitis and a sprained ankle.  The ankle healed and I was getting treatments for the PF; which I am still getting treatments for just not as intense.  The foot is actually doing quite well and just flares up once in a while.  It really did not bother me this past race season.

Somewhere along the way, I developed a hamstring strain.  I remember feeling my right hamstring get tight in March during Oceanside but I thought nothing of it.  As the race season went on, my hamstring was getting worse.  Unfortunately, I put quite a bit of stress on it preparing for the Ironman and I think I destroyed it during the IM.  I continued to race and train for the remaining races I had for the season but really backed off on the run training.  I was running very little to give it as much rest as possible.  I got through my races, in pain, but I got through them with awesome results.  The pain got worse at the upper hamstring where my hamstring meets with my sit bones.  I got to the point that everything hurts - sitting, walking, swimming etc etc.  I was in constant pain. :(  I do have a high pain tolerance though so I was and am able to continue with my normal activities of daily living.  My chiro has been pretty awesome in treating me the whole time but I know I did not do myself any favours by continuing to race.  So after my last race (B2B) I was told to stop running and see if I can start healing.   I ended up getting an ultrasound to make sure there was not a complete tear in my hamstring.  The good news: no tear!  The bad news: my tendon on the injured side (right) is 50% thicker than the left with some calcium deposits.  Basically, tendinitis that is chronic.  Saw the doc and was basically told to not run because it would just prolong the healing.  Also, there may be a chance that I have a stress fracture but at this point he doesn't think so.  So, continue with the treatments and hope for the best.  I was hoping to begin some real training in January - I guess I will have to wait and see! :(

Not gonna lie, I am not liking this!

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